Navigating the Waters of Online Trading: A Comparative Look at Interactive Brokers, OANDA, and FXCM APIs

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. The content is based on the latest reviews available as of this writing and is intended to provide an overview of the API offerings from Interactive Brokers, OANDA, and FXCM. Readers should conduct their own research and consider seeking advice from independent financial advisors before making any financial decisions.

In the fast-paced world of online trading, choosing the right broker can make all the difference. For traders and developers looking to automate their strategies, the quality and capabilities of a broker’s API are crucial. Today, we’re diving into the APIs offered by three leading platforms in the online trading space: Interactive Brokers, OANDA, and FXCM. Each of these brokers brings something unique to the table, and we’ll explore their offerings to help you decide which might be the best fit for your trading needs, based on the latest reviews.

Interactive Brokers: The Powerhouse for Professional Traders

Interactive Brokers (IB) has long been a favorite among professional traders for its comprehensive market access and sophisticated trading tools. The platform’s API is no exception, offering robust functionality for automated trading. According to a detailed review by QuantSavvy, Interactive Brokers provides a highly flexible API that supports multiple languages, including Java, Python, C++, and more, making it accessible to a wide range of developers.


  • Extensive Market Access: Traders can access a wide array of asset classes across global markets, from stocks and options to futures and forex.
  • Powerful Tools: The API supports advanced trading features, including algorithmic trading, market data access, and real-time monitoring.
  • Multi-Language Support: Catering to a broad developer community with support for several programming languages.


  • Complexity: The sheer power and range of features can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Cost Structure: While competitive, the pricing can be complex, and there might be fees that are less favorable for low-volume traders.

OANDA: Simplifying Forex and CFD Trading

OANDA is renowned for its user-friendly approach, making forex and CFD trading accessible to a broader audience. The platform’s API maintains this ethos, offering a straightforward and well-documented interface for traders looking to automate their strategies. As highlighted in the review by Forex Brokers, OANDA’s API excels in ease of use without sacrificing the depth of features.


  • User-Friendly: The API is designed with simplicity in mind, making it an excellent choice for those new to automated trading.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Developers can get up and running quickly thanks to clear and thorough documentation.
  • Competitive Spreads: OANDA offers competitive spreads, which can significantly impact profitability, especially for high-volume traders.


  • Limited Asset Classes: The focus is primarily on forex and CFDs, which might be a limitation for traders looking for broader market access.
  • Simpler Tools: While user-friendly, the tools might lack some of the advanced features found in more professional-oriented platforms.

FXCM: Catering to Algorithmic Traders

FXCM stands out for its commitment to supporting algorithmic traders. The platform offers a robust API that is particularly well-suited to those looking to implement complex trading strategies. The review by Forex Brokers emphasizes FXCM’s dedication to providing powerful tools and resources for developers, including access to historical data and advanced charting capabilities.


  • Algorithmic Trading Support: The API is designed with algorithmic traders in mind, offering advanced features and extensive historical data.
  • Diverse Programming Language Support: Supports multiple programming languages, catering to a wide developer base.
  • Educational Resources: FXCM provides ample educational materials, helping traders to get the most out of the API.


  • Narrower Focus: The platform’s primary focus on forex might limit options for traders interested in other asset classes.
  • Platform Stability Issues: Some users have reported issues with platform stability, which could be a concern for high-frequency trading.


Choosing the right broker for automated trading depends on your specific needs, trading style, and the markets you’re interested in. Interactive Brokers offers a powerhouse platform with extensive market access, making it ideal for professional traders who need depth and breadth in their trading tools. OANDA shines in making forex and CFD trading accessible, especially for those new to automation. Meanwhile, FXCM caters to the needs of algorithmic traders with its strong support for advanced strategies and educational resources.

Each platform has its strengths and potential drawbacks, and the best choice will depend on your individual requirements. Whether you prioritize market access, ease of use, or advanced algorithmic trading features, there’s an API out there that’s the right fit for your trading journey. Remember, this overview is based on the latest reviews and is not financial advice. Always do your own research and consider consulting with a financial advisor to tailor decisions to your personal financial situation.

Navigating Broker APIs for Algorithmic Trading: Choosing the Right One

In the realm of algorithmic trading, selecting the right broker API (Application Programming Interface) is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the efficiency, flexibility, and profitability of your trading strategies. Broker APIs serve as the bridge between your algorithmic trading systems and the broker’s trading platform, enabling automated trade execution, real-time market data access, and account management. With a myriad of options available, understanding what to consider when choosing the right broker API is essential for both novice and seasoned traders. This blog post aims to guide you through key considerations and features to look for in a broker API for algorithmic trading.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Broker API

1. API Type and Accessibility

  • REST vs. WebSocket: Understand the type of API offered. REST APIs are stateless and request-response based, suitable for accessing market data and account information. WebSocket APIs, on the other hand, provide real-time data streaming, essential for high-frequency trading strategies.
  • Documentation and Support: Look for APIs with comprehensive documentation and active developer support. This can significantly reduce the learning curve and development time.

2. Market Data Access

  • Depth and Breadth: Ensure the API provides access to the depth (level 2) and breadth of market data you need. Depth of market data shows the volume of orders at different price levels, while breadth refers to the range of financial instruments available.
  • Historical Data: Access to historical data is crucial for backtesting your trading strategies. Check if the API offers historical tick, minute, or daily data.

3. Order Execution Capabilities

  • Order Types: The API should support a wide range of order types, including market, limit, stop, and conditional orders, to implement various trading strategies effectively.
  • Latency: For high-frequency trading, low-latency order execution is critical. Assess the API’s speed and the broker’s infrastructure to ensure they meet your requirements.

4. Costs and Limitations

  • Fees: Understand the fee structure for using the API. Some brokers offer free API access, while others may charge based on the number of requests, data usage, or trading volume.
  • Rate Limits: Be aware of any rate limits imposed on API requests. Excessive requests can lead to throttling, affecting the performance of your trading strategies.

5. Reliability and Uptime

  • Uptime Guarantees: The API should have a high uptime guarantee, ensuring reliable access to trading functions and market data.
  • Redundancy and Failovers: Check if the broker has redundancy measures and failover systems in place to minimize downtime.

6. Security

  • Authentication and Encryption: The API should offer robust authentication mechanisms and encrypt data transmissions to protect sensitive information.

Choosing the Right Broker API

Selecting the right broker API for algorithmic trading involves balancing various factors, including the API’s functionality, the quality of market data, execution speed, costs, and reliability. Begin by clearly defining your trading strategy’s requirements, including the markets you wish to trade, the frequency of trades, and the types of orders you’ll be using. Assess each API against these criteria, and consider testing a few options with your trading algorithms to determine which best suits your needs.


The right broker API can be a powerful ally in the world of algorithmic trading, providing the tools you need to execute strategies efficiently and effectively. By carefully considering the type of API, market data access, order execution capabilities, costs, reliability, and security, you can select a broker API that aligns with your trading goals and requirements. Remember, the goal is not just to find an API that works but one that empowers your trading strategies to perform at their best.

Selecting the Right API Gateway: Key Considerations for Your Architecture

In the ever-evolving landscape of microservices and distributed systems, choosing the right API Gateway has become a crucial decision for tech architects and developers. An API Gateway acts as a critical touchpoint in modern applications, managing requests and responses between clients and various microservices. But with a plethora of options available, how do you choose the best one for your needs? Let’s explore the key factors to consider when selecting an API Gateway.

Understanding the Role of an API Gateway

Firstly, it’s important to understand what an API Gateway does. It acts as a reverse proxy, routing requests from clients to various microservices, handling cross-cutting concerns like authentication, SSL termination, request/response transformation, rate limiting, and logging.

Key Considerations for Choosing an API Gateway

1. Performance and Scalability

  • Throughput: Consider how many requests per second the gateway can handle. This is crucial for high-traffic applications.
  • Latency: The API Gateway should add minimal latency to requests. Look for gateways that process requests efficiently.
  • Scalability: Ensure it can scale to meet increasing load, either horizontally (adding more instances) or vertically (adding resources).

2. Security Features

  • Authentication and Authorization: Check if the gateway supports standard protocols like OAuth2, JWT, and OpenID Connect.
  • SSL/TLS Termination: It should be able to handle SSL/TLS termination to secure data in transit.
  • Rate Limiting and Throttling: To prevent abuse, it should offer rate limiting and throttling capabilities.

3. Flexibility and Extensibility

  • Customizability: Look for the ability to add custom functionality, like specific routing rules or transformations.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: A rich set of pre-built plugins or extensions can save development time and offer enhanced functionality.

4. Ease of Use and Maintenance

  • User-Friendly Interface: A straightforward, intuitive administrative interface or dashboard is important for configuration and monitoring.
  • Documentation and Community Support: Comprehensive documentation and an active community can greatly assist with troubleshooting and best practices.

5. Integration with Existing Systems

  • Compatibility: Ensure the API Gateway integrates well with your existing technology stack and infrastructure.
  • Service Discovery: It should support dynamic service discovery mechanisms used in your architecture (like Eureka, Consul, or Kubernetes services).

6. Vendor vs. Open Source

  • Vendor Solutions: Offer enterprise support and often come with additional features. However, they can be expensive and might lock you into a specific ecosystem.
  • Open Source Options: Like Kong, Tyk, or Zuul, can be more customizable and less costly. However, they may require more effort to set up and maintain.

7. Cost Implications

  • License Fees: Consider the total cost of ownership, including license fees for proprietary solutions.
  • Operational Costs: Factor in the resources needed to run the gateway and potential costs associated with cloud services or additional infrastructure.

8. Monitoring and Analytics

  • Logging: It should offer robust logging capabilities to track and monitor API usage and errors.
  • Analytics: Analytical tools to understand API usage patterns can be crucial for long-term strategy and resource allocation.

9. Reliability and High Availability

  • Failover Mechanisms: Ensure it has mechanisms for failover and high availability to maintain uptime.
  • Load Balancing: Load balancing capabilities for routing traffic efficiently and managing high loads.


Choosing the right API Gateway is a strategic decision that impacts the architecture, performance, and security of your microservices environment. It’s essential to weigh these considerations in the context of your specific requirements and constraints. Whether you choose a robust enterprise solution or a flexible open-source alternative, the right API Gateway can significantly enhance the resilience, efficiency, and scalability of your application infrastructure. Remember, the goal is to find a balance between functionality, cost, and operational efficiency to support your application’s needs both now and in the future.

Creating Test Case Scenarios for an Order Processing RESTful API


Testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle. For RESTful APIs, especially those in charge of something as critical as order processing, comprehensive tests are crucial. This blog post will delve into creating test case scenarios for such an API, ensuring it performs optimally and handles both typical and edge cases efficiently.

1. Understanding the API

For demonstration, our API is designed for order processing, communicates using JSON, and often requires specific headers and query parameters. Errors are communicated through custom error codes, and the API is protected with OAuth. It also interfaces with both relational and noSQL databases and communicates with third-party services.

2. Crafting the Test Cases

Given the information provided, here’s a structured approach to creating test scenarios:

  • Endpoint Specific Scenarios:
    • CRUD for Orders: Test the creation, reading, updating, and deletion of orders. Validate that the returned order details are consistent with what’s stored in the databases.
    • Order Relationships: If orders relate to other entities (like customers or items), ensure that relationships are correctly managed. For instance, if an order is deleted, how does that affect the associated customer data?
  • Authentication & Authorization:
    • Token Validity: Test scenarios where the OAuth token is valid, invalid, or expired.
    • Permission Scenarios: Test with different user roles. For instance, can a regular user modify another user’s order?
  • Rate Limiting:
    • Threshold Testing: Approach the set threshold and verify that the rate limiting works as expected. Use multithreading to simulate multiple requests in a short time.
  • Error Scenarios:
    • Custom Error Codes: For every possible error scenario, ensure the API returns the expected custom error code.
    • Third-Party Failures: Simulate failures in third-party services and validate that the API handles these gracefully.
  • Data Considerations:
    • Setup and Teardown: Before and after tests, ensure the databases are in the desired state. This might involve adding dummy data or clearing out test entries.
  • Multithreading:
    • Concurrency: Especially for order processing, test how the API handles concurrent requests. Can it handle multiple orders at once without compromising data integrity?
  • Dependencies:
    • Database Consistency: Ensure data consistency across the relational and noSQL databases. For instance, if an order is added, does it reflect consistently across all data stores?
    • Third-Party Service Integration: Ensure the API correctly interacts with third-party services and handles any potential inconsistencies or failures in those services.

3. Tools & Best Practices

Consider using tools like Postman or JMeter to simulate API requests. They can help manage different headers, query parameters, and multithreaded scenarios.

For database consistency, consider tools or frameworks that can help you set up, mock, and tear down database states. Libraries such as DBUnit can be beneficial.


Testing an order processing RESTful API involves a mix of standard API testing techniques and specific scenarios related to the order processing domain. Given the complexities and dependencies, it’s crucial to have a structured approach to ensure the reliability and efficiency of the API.

Remember, the goal of these tests is to ensure that real-world users have a seamless experience, even when unexpected scenarios occur. Always keep the end user in mind and ensure that your tests reflect potential real-world situations.

Java 11 HTTP/2 Client: A Step Forward in Web Communication


With the advent of Java 11, a new HTTP/2 Client API was introduced that brought significant improvements to Java’s ability to communicate with web servers. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol, used by the World Wide Web. This new API was designed to be more user-friendly and to support modern web protocols, including HTTP/2 and WebSocket.

Background: From HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2

HTTP/1.1 was widely used for many years but had some performance limitations. HTTP/2 introduced multiplexing, header compression, and other features to reduce latency and improve efficiency, addressing many of HTTP/1.1’s shortcomings. Java 11’s HTTP/2 Client provides a means to interact with web services using this improved protocol.

The HTTP/2 Client in Java 11


  • Simplified API: It offers a more straightforward and functional approach compared to the older HttpURLConnection.
  • HTTP/2 Support: It’s designed to work with HTTP/2 right out of the box, enabling faster data transfer rates.
  • Asynchronous Programming: The API supports asynchronous programming, allowing more efficient use of system resources.
  • WebSocket Support: The API includes support for WebSocket, enabling two-way communication with servers.

Basic Usage

The HttpClient class is the core of this new API. Here’s a simple example that demonstrates how to send a GET request:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(new URI("")) .build(); HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()); System.out.println(response.statusCode()); // Prints the status code System.out.println(response.body()); // Prints the response body

Advantages and Considerations

  • Performance: HTTP/2’s features, like multiplexing, can lead to improved performance.
  • Modern Standards: By supporting modern protocols like HTTP/2 and WebSocket, it ensures that Java applications can interact with contemporary web services.
  • Migration: If migrating from older Java versions, developers may need to refactor code to take advantage of this new API.


Java 11’s HTTP/2 Client is a considerable step forward for web communication in Java. Its ease of use, support for modern web standards, and performance improvements are incentives for developers to update and utilize this new functionality.

For those looking to enhance their applications with the latest web communication capabilities, exploring this new client can be both a valuable and rewarding endeavor. Whether building new systems or updating existing ones, Java 11’s HTTP/2 Client brings the Java ecosystem closer to the forefront of web technology.

Spring Boot Filters

Spring boot filter

What are Spring Boot filters?

Spring boot uses filters to distill HTTP requests, the process here is:

  • Intercepts the request
  • I.e The client side invoking https requests and responses

What can filters be used for?

A filter is able to perform two operations, this is done on the response and the request. This can be used to restrict URL access to users and other functionality on the request and the response.

When does a filter get invoked?

The filter comes before the controller, this determines if the request can interact with the desired controller and the response it should return.

Lets take a look at the syntax

Firstly, we start with a class that implements the interface Filter with its methods:

public class ExampleFilter implements Filter {
  public void doFilter(
    ServletRequest request,
    ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain
    throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    chain.doFilter(request, response);

As shown above the syntax has some fundamental syntactical areas that provide configuration to filter on how we apply them, lets go through this:

  1. Filters are uses to incept or filter http response and request instance
  2. Operations can be performed on the request instance (before sending the response instance to the controller)
  3. Operations can be performance on the response instance (before sending the response back to the requested client)
  4. @Component annotation is used in a spring boot application in order to utilise filter class
  5. javax.servlet.Filter is the package used for this
  6. The @Order annotation allows us to order our filter as we can use multiple filter!

Lets take a deeper dive on how this works…

  1. @Component annotation is used alongside Filter implementation in order to initialise the class on startup in spring
  2. @Order(1) annotation is used to execute the filter first in the application
  3. After this, we need a class that implements the Filter interface from Servlet, this interface bring in doFilter() method
  4. So for the example above we have overridden the filter methods inside the class
  5. The doFilter() method will trigger if we receive any request or any HTTP request from the client (This is why we have ServletRequest and ServletResponse objects)
  6. At this point the ServletRequest object is then used casted to the HttpServletRequest object, and this attempt to get the URI from it
  7. This doFilter() method will now hand over the object to the controller, and all the required operations with get performed there 🤗
  8. Once all the operations are done! The control returns back to this doFilter() method again
  9. Loggers could be place here to monitor requests and response details (useful for debugging)

Final Note

Adopting filters are incredibly powerful for when we want to do things before and after receiving or responding to requests! Additionally, we can restrict URL, and there are also some more out the box implementations of filters that adopt security, such as BasicAuthenticationFilter (that can be used to support (OAuth2 implementation) or you can create your own custom filters.