Top 10 Best Bash Profile Configurations for Enhanced Productivity

When it comes to optimizing your workflow as a developer, having a well-configured .bash_profile can make a world of difference. Bash profiles allow you to customize your terminal environment, streamline your commands, and enhance productivity. Here are the top 10 best bash profile configurations that can help you work more efficiently:

1. Custom Aliases

Aliases are shortcuts for longer commands, saving you keystrokes and time. Here are some useful ones:

# Update system
alias update='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'

# Clear terminal
alias cls='clear'

# List directory contents with details
alias ll='ls -alF'

2. Environment Variables

Setting environment variables in your .bash_profile can simplify command-line tasks and scripts. Common ones include:

# Java Home
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64

# Add custom bin to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

3. Prompt Customization

A customized prompt can provide valuable information at a glance. Here’s a colorful example:

# Colorful prompt with current directory
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\w \$\[\033[00m\] '

4. Command History Settings

Fine-tuning your command history settings can improve efficiency:

# Unlimited history file size

# Append to history file, don't overwrite
shopt -s histappend

# Ignore duplicate entries
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

5. Enhanced Navigation

Simplify navigation with custom functions and shortcuts:

# Go up N directories
up() {
  local d=""
  for ((i=1 ; i <= limit ; i++))
  d=$(echo $d | sed 's/^\///')
  if [ -z "$d" ]; then
  cd $d
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'

6. Git Integration

Integrate Git into your prompt and define useful Git aliases:

# Show Git branch in prompt
parse_git_branch() {
  git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '\*' | sed 's/* //'
PS1='\u@\h \w$(parse_git_branch)\$ '

# Git aliases
alias gs='git status'
alias gp='git pull'
alias gc='git commit -m'

7. SSH Shortcuts

Save time on SSH connections by defining shortcuts:

# SSH to favorite server
alias sshmyserver='ssh'

# Use specific key for SSH
alias sshwithkey='ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_key'

8. Custom Functions

Define custom functions for repetitive tasks:

# Create a new directory and navigate into it
mkcd() {
  mkdir -p "$1"
  cd "$1"

# Search for a pattern in files
search() {
  grep -rnw . -e "$1"

9. Auto-Completion

Enable auto-completion to speed up command entry:

# Enable programmable completion features
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . /etc/bash_completion

# Custom completion for aliases
complete -cf sudo
complete -cf man

10. Path Management

Ensure your PATH variable is well-organized:

# Add commonly used directories to PATH
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH


Configuring your .bash_profile is a powerful way to optimize your terminal environment. By implementing these top 10 configurations, you can enhance your productivity, streamline your workflows, and make your command-line experience more enjoyable. Happy coding!

Why GitHub Activity Graphs Can Be a Poor Measurement of a Software Engineer’s Experience

In the fast-paced world of tech recruitment, headhunters and hiring managers often seek quick indicators of a candidate’s skills and productivity. One such indicator is the GitHub activity graph, which visually represents a developer’s contributions over time. However, using this as a primary measure of a software engineer’s experience and competence can be misleading and unfair.

The Fallacy of GitHub Activity Graphs

GitHub activity graphs are designed to show the frequency of contributions to public repositories. While they might seem like a straightforward measure of a developer’s activity, they don’t provide a complete picture. Here’s why:

  1. Time Constraints: Many developers, especially those with full-time jobs, family responsibilities, or other commitments, simply don’t have the time to commit to public repositories daily. Judging their skills based on a sparse GitHub graph overlooks their other responsibilities and time constraints.
  2. Private Repositories: A significant proportion of developers work on private repositories, either for their employers or personal projects that aren’t public. These contributions don’t appear on the GitHub activity graph, leading to an underestimation of their actual work.
  3. Other Platforms: GitHub is not the only platform for version control. Many developers use GitLab, Bitbucket, or other platforms for their work. A GitHub activity graph doesn’t account for contributions made on these platforms, which can be substantial.

Personal Experience and Insight

From my personal experience, focusing solely on GitHub activity can become a game of committing for the sake of enhancing the heatmap, rather than doing meaningful work. This approach can detract from valuable activities like conducting in-depth research or learning new technologies, which are essential for professional growth but don’t directly translate to commits on a public repository.

Moreover, developers who primarily work on open-source projects might benefit from a visible commit history, but this can create a toxic environment. Some individuals might start engaging in pull requests that aren’t relevant to them just to boost their activity, which can lead to unnecessary noise rather than genuine collaboration.

The Double-Edged Sword of GitHub Metrics

While GitHub metrics can motivate and reward developers by creating a sense of achievement, they should not be the sole indicator of a developer’s capabilities. They can foster collaboration and a sense of community, but relying too heavily on them can lead to a focus on quantity over quality.

Final Thoughts

Don’t become obsessed with chasing arbitrary metrics that do not translate to real indicators of quality development. While there is value in maintaining an active GitHub profile, it should not overshadow the importance of producing meaningful, high-quality work. Developers should focus on honing their skills, learning new technologies, and contributing to projects that truly matter, whether they’re public or private.

In summary, GitHub activity graphs offer a limited view of a developer’s experience and capabilities. It’s crucial for recruiters and headhunters to look beyond these metrics and consider the broader context of a developer’s work and contributions. By doing so, we can foster a healthier, more accurate assessment of talent in the software engineering community.

Navigating the Maze of Open Source Licensing for Your Git Repository

Open source software is the backbone of the modern digital world, offering a plethora of tools, libraries, and frameworks for developers to build upon. However, choosing the right open source license for your Git repository can be a daunting task. Each license comes with its own set of permissions, conditions, and limitations, making some licenses more suitable for certain projects than others. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the most common open source licenses, highlight their key features, and discuss which scenarios they are best suited for.

1. MIT License

Key Features: The MIT License is one of the most permissive and open licenses available. It allows users to do almost anything they want with the code, including using, copying, modifying, merging, publishing, distributing, sublicensing, and/or selling copies of the software.

Best For: Projects that want to be widely used and contributed to, without imposing many restrictions on how the software can be used or modified.

2. Apache License 2.0

Key Features: Similar to the MIT License in its permissiveness, the Apache License 2.0 also provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors to users. It requires preservation of the copyright notice and disclaimer.

Best For: Projects that want to provide an explicit patent license to protect contributors and users from patent trolls, making it a great choice for businesses and open-source projects alike.

3. GNU General Public License (GPL)

Key Features: The GPL is a copyleft license, which means that any derivative work must be distributed under the same license terms. This creates a legal requirement that modifications to the original work be open source as well.

Best For: Projects that want to ensure that all modified versions of the project remain open source, thus fostering a community of sharing and collaboration.

4. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Key Features: The LGPL is similar to the GPL but less restrictive. It allows you to link to open source libraries without the requirement that the entire software be open sourced, provided that modifications to the LGPL-covered software itself are released under the LGPL.

Best For: Libraries that wish to be used in proprietary software, but still want to ensure improvements to the library itself remain open source.

5. BSD Licenses

Key Features: The BSD licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses. The most common are the 2-Clause and 3-Clause BSD licenses, which differ mainly in terms of a non-endorsement clause included in the 3-Clause.

Best For: Projects that prefer minimal restrictions on the redistribution of their software, allowing for both open source and proprietary use.

6. Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)

Key Features: The MPL is a weak copyleft license that allows the code to be combined with proprietary files in the same project, unlike the GPL. Modifications to the MPL-covered code must be shared under the MPL, but the proprietary code can remain closed.

Best For: Projects that want to allow the code to be integrated with proprietary codebases while ensuring improvements to the open source code are shared.

Choosing the Right License

When deciding on the right license for your project, consider the following:

  • Your Goals: Do you want to encourage wide usage and contributions, or do you want to ensure that all derivatives remain open source?
  • Community Norms: Some communities have strong preferences for certain types of licenses.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the license you choose is compatible with the licenses of any code your project depends on.


Choosing the right open source license is crucial for the success and growth of your project. It can affect how your project is used, modified, and distributed. By understanding the nuances of each license, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s goals and values. Remember, the license you choose will set the tone for the community that builds around your project, so choose wisely!

Whether you’re launching a new project on a Git repository or considering re-licensing an existing one, the right open source license can ensure your project thrives in the ecosystem you want to support.

Mastering GitHub Issues: Elevating Project Management and Collaboration

In the vast and collaborative world of software development, effective project management and clear communication are paramount. GitHub, a cornerstone platform for developers worldwide, offers a powerful feature to streamline these aspects: GitHub Issues. This tool goes beyond mere bug tracking; it’s a multifaceted hub for discussions, enhancements, and task management related to your projects. This blog post delves into the essence of GitHub Issues, offering insights into its general purpose, importance, and how to leverage it for maximum project efficiency.

Understanding GitHub Issues

At its core, GitHub Issues is a tracking system integrated within every GitHub repository. It allows developers, project managers, and contributors to open, discuss, and track updates on tasks, ranging from bug fixes and feature requests to general questions and documentation improvements.

The General Purpose of GitHub Issues

  1. Bug Tracking: The most common use of GitHub Issues is to report bugs within the project. Users can detail the problem, steps to reproduce it, and even suggest potential fixes.
  2. Feature Requests: It provides a platform for the community to propose new features or enhancements, fostering innovation and improvement.
  3. Task Management: Beyond bugs and features, Issues can be used to manage tasks, set milestones, and track project progress.
  4. Discussion Forum: It serves as a discussion forum where developers can brainstorm ideas, ask questions, and share knowledge.

Why GitHub Issues is Important

Enhances Collaboration

GitHub Issues facilitates a collaborative environment by allowing team members and external contributors to communicate effectively, share ideas, and work together towards solutions.

Improves Transparency

By using Issues, all discussions and tasks related to the project are documented and accessible, making the development process transparent to all stakeholders.

Streamlines Project Management

With features like labels, milestones, and assignees, GitHub Issues simplifies project management, enabling teams to organize, prioritize, and track work efficiently.

Encourages Community Involvement

For open-source projects, GitHub Issues is an essential tool for engaging with the community, gathering feedback, and encouraging contributions from developers around the world.

How to Use GitHub Issues Effectively

Opening an Issue

  1. Navigate to the repository where you want to open an issue.
  2. Click on the Issues tab, then click the New Issue button.
  3. Title your issue succinctly and describe the problem, request, or discussion point in detail. Use markdown to format your text for better readability.
  4. Assign labels to categorize the issue (e.g., bug, enhancement, question).
  5. Optionally, assign the issue to a team member or yourself and link it to a project or milestone.
  6. Submit the issue to make it live for discussion and action.

Managing and Organizing Issues

  • Use Labels Wisely: Create and apply labels to categorize and filter issues based on type, priority, or any custom categorization relevant to your project.
  • Set Milestones: Group issues into milestones to track progress towards specific project phases or release cycles.
  • Leverage Assignees: Assign issues to specific team members to clarify responsibilities and streamline workflows.


GitHub Issues stands as a beacon for efficient project management and collaboration in the development community. Its versatility extends beyond mere bug tracking, encompassing feature requests, task management, and discussions that drive a project forward. By embracing GitHub Issues, teams can enhance collaboration, improve transparency, and foster a vibrant community around their projects. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to GitHub, understanding and utilizing GitHub Issues is a crucial step towards achieving project success in the collaborative world of software development.

How to Resolve Conflicts with Automatic Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution rules can become complicated and custom code can be prone to errors.

Effects of conflict resolution handler

🛒 Example: Amazon has had some interesting effects when utilising a conflict resolution handler.

It has been documented that for some time the conflict resolution logic on the shopping cart preserves items added to the cart. BUT not when items are being removed from the cart.

🤔 Therefore, sometimes customers may find items reappearing in there shopping carts, when they have been previously been removed.

Research on automatic conflict resolution for concurrent data modifications 🔬

There are conflict free replicated data types (CRDT). Family of data structures for:

  • Sets
  • Maps
  • Ordered lists
  • Counters

These can be concurrently edited by multiple users, which can automatically resolve conflicts in sensible ways.

Some CRDTs have been implemented in Riak version 2.0, using a 2 way merge.

Mergeable persistent data structures track history explicitly. This is similar to the Git version control systems, and this can use a 3 way merge function.

For more reading behind merge functions: Git Fast-forward merge vs three-way merge

Conflict resolution algorithm: Operational Transformation

This algorithm is behind the collaborative editing applications such as:

  • Google docs
  • Etherpad

The algorithm was designed for editing concurrent lists of items, such as a list of characters that make up a text text document.

Implementations of these algorithms are still in use today in integrated replicated systems.

✅ Automatic conflict resolution could make multi-leader synchronisation much simpler to deal with.