Embracing Modern Java: Strategies for Upgrading and Optimizing Enterprise Applications

As the digital landscape continuously evolves, enterprises face the need to update and optimise their application development strategies to stay competitive. This need brings Java into the spotlight with its recent updates and integration into modern development paradigies such as microservices and serverless computing. This blog post explores the critical aspects of migrating from older versions of Java and Spring Boot to their latest iterations, alongside the latest trends and challenges in enterprise application development with Java.

Migrating to Modern Java and Spring Boot Versions

The migration from Java 8 or 11 to Java 21 and Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3.2 is significant, driven by the necessity for better performance, enhanced security, and improved developer productivity. Java 21 introduces several futuristic features such as Lightweight Virtual Threads, Structured Concurrency API, and Vector API, which collectively boost application performance, security, and maintainability. Similarly, Spring Boot 3.2 offers substantial improvements like support for Virtual Threads and advanced SSL capabilities, facilitating more efficient and secure applications.

Organizations still using Java 8 or earlier versions face challenges due to discontinued support and missing modern features that could streamline development and enhance application capabilities. As such, migrating to Java 21 and the latest Spring Boot version becomes not just a technical upgrade but a strategic necessity to leverage cutting-edge functionalities that keep applications competitive and future-ready.

Trends and Challenges in Java Enterprise Application Development

The shift towards microservices architectures and containerization represents a significant trend in Java enterprise application development. Microservices enhance system resilience and maintainability, allowing enterprises to respond swiftly to changes. Containerization with tools like Docker and orchestration via Kubernetes simplifies deployment and management, ensuring consistency across environments.

However, these advancements come with their set of challenges, particularly in performance optimization and security. Enterprises must address large-scale data processing efficiently, manage microservices communication overhead, and ensure robust security measures against increasing cyber threats. Performance optimization techniques such as effective database indexing and caching, asynchronous communication in microservices, and advanced code optimization strategies are critical. Security strategies encompass implementing robust encryption protocols, employing Web Application Firewalls, and adhering to stringent compliance standards to protect data privacy and integrity.

Future Directions and Integration of Java in Enterprise Applications

Looking ahead, Java is poised to deepen its integration with cloud-native technologies, enhancing its role in enterprise-level applications. The integration with heterogeneous programming languages and the adoption of AI and data-driven frameworks will further empower Java to address complex enterprise needs. These capabilities will enable Java to support a broader range of enterprise applications, driving innovation and efficiency.


The continuous evolution of Java and its ecosystem offers enterprises a robust platform for developing applications that are not only efficient and secure but also scalable and future-proof. Enterprises looking to stay ahead in the digital transformation era must consider these upgrades and integrations essential.

References (really good reads)

  • Zhao, X., & Li, X. (2024). The Latest Trends and Challenges in Enterprise Application Development with Java. Clausius Scientific Press, Canada.
  • Blog Post on Migrating from Java 8/11 to Java 21 and Spring Boot 2 to the latest Spring Boot 3.2.

Spring Into AI: Transforming Java Development with OpenAI and Spring Boot

In today’s rapidly evolving software landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into mainstream development platforms is not just a trend but a necessity. Among the frameworks leading this integration is Spring Boot, which now offers built-in support for AI technologies, notably through OpenAI. This blog post delves into how developers can leverage Spring Boot’s capabilities to build AI-driven applications, emphasizing the simplicity and power that Spring Boot brings to the table.

Spring Boot and OpenAI: A Powerful Combination

Spring Boot, known for its ability to simplify the setup and configuration of new applications, now supports OpenAI directly via the Spring Initializr. This inclusion means that developers can now integrate sophisticated AI features into their applications without extensive setup or configuration. The ease of adding dependencies like OpenAI in Spring Boot projects underscores its commitment to modern software development practices.

Setting Up Your Spring Boot Project with OpenAI

To start, you can create a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr by selecting dependencies such as Web, Spring Data JDBC, and notably, OpenAI. This setup prepares you to build a web application with AI capabilities out of the box. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Visit Spring Initializr and set up a new project.
  2. Choose Java 21 to leverage the latest language features.
  3. Add the ‘OpenAI’ dependency along with other typical dependencies like ‘Web’ and ‘Spring Data JDBC’.
  4. Generate the project and open it in your preferred IDE.

Building an AI-Driven Application

Once your project is set up, you can immediately start integrating AI functionalities. Suppose you want to create an application that generates custom marketing content automatically. Here’s how you might go about it:

Step 1: Configure OpenAI API Key

Before interacting with OpenAI’s services, you need to provide your API key in the application.properties file:


Step 2: Create a Service to Interact with OpenAI

Spring Boot’s autoconfiguration capabilities simplify the integration. You can create a service that encapsulates the interaction with OpenAI:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.ai.chat.ChatClient;

public class AiContentGenerator {
    private final ChatClient chatClient;

    public AiContentGenerator(ChatClient chatClient) {
        this.chatClient = chatClient;

    public String generateContent(String prompt) {
        return chatClient.call(prompt);

Step 3: Build a Simple Controller

With the service in place, a basic controller can handle web requests and interact with your AI service:

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class ContentController {
    private final AiContentGenerator contentGenerator;

    public ContentController(AiContentGenerator contentGenerator) {
        this.contentGenerator = contentGenerator;

    public String generateContent(@RequestParam String prompt) {
        return contentGenerator.generateContent(prompt);

The Impact

By integrating OpenAI into Spring Boot applications, developers can harness the power of AI to add incredible features such as natural language processing, machine learning, and more. This capability can significantly enhance application functionality and user experience, ranging from automating routine tasks to providing complex analytical insights.


Spring Boot’s integration with AI tools, particularly OpenAI, marks a significant step forward in making powerful AI capabilities accessible to a broader range of developers. With just a few steps, any developer can now add AI features to their applications, backed by the robustness and simplicity of Spring Boot.

For more information and to start your project, visit the Spring Initializr website.

Reference: “Bootiful Spring Boot in 2024 (part 1)” by Josh Long on spring.io.

Enhancing Spring Boot Applications with OpenAI ChatGPT: A Creative Exploration

In the dynamic world of software development, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enrich applications is not just an advantage; it’s becoming a necessity. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, renowned for its sophisticated text generation and understanding capabilities, emerges as a pivotal tool in this transformation. This article delves into the integration of ChatGPT within Spring Boot applications, providing a detailed guide from initial setup to practical implementation, inspired by authoritative insights and the foundational steps outlined in Spring’s official documentation.

Embarking on the OpenAI and Spring Boot Journey

To integrate ChatGPT into your Spring Boot application, the first step is securing an OpenAI API key by registering on the OpenAI platform. This key is your passport to infusing your application with AI’s transformative power.

Spring AI: Your OpenAI Integration Catalyst

Spring AI, an innovative library from Spring Boot, facilitates effortless OpenAI API integration. By incorporating the spring-ai-openai-spring-boot-starter dependency into your project, you enable direct interaction with ChatGPT, streamlining the process of sending and receiving AI-generated content.

Mastering the Art of Prompting

Effective communication with ChatGPT hinges on the art of crafting prompts. The input text you provide shapes the AI’s responses, making the clarity and specificity of your prompts paramount. Whether your goal is to generate creative content, respond to inquiries, or translate languages, the precision of your prompts is key.

Practical Steps for ChatGPT Integration in Spring Boot

Integrating ChatGPT into a Spring Boot application involves several crucial steps:

  • Dependency Management: Incorporate Spring Web and Spring AI dependencies to enable RESTful interactions and AI communication.
  • Configuration: Securely store your OpenAI API key and other configuration details using application properties.
  • Service Layer: Create a service class to encapsulate OpenAI API interaction logic, utilizing Spring’s RestTemplate or WebClient for HTTP communications.
  • Controller: Establish a REST controller to manage client requests, facilitating interactions with the ChatGPT service and delivering AI-generated responses.

Beyond the Basics: Creative Implementations

While the foundational applications of ChatGPT in Spring Boot are vast, ranging from chatbots to content generators, here are some creative examples that push the boundaries of what’s possible:

  • Personalized Learning Assistants: Develop educational platforms where ChatGPT tailors learning content based on individual student interactions, adapting to their learning pace and style.
  • Dynamic FAQ Generators: Implement systems that automatically update FAQ sections on websites by analyzing customer support interactions and identifying common queries.
  • Automated Code Review Assistants: Create tools that integrate with development environments to offer real-time code reviews and suggestions, leveraging ChatGPT’s understanding of programming languages.
  • Interactive Storytelling Platforms: Build applications where users can co-create stories with ChatGPT, choosing plot directions and character developments, resulting in unique storytelling experiences.
  • Language Learning Bots: Design interactive bots that converse with users in a target language, providing corrections, suggestions, and conversational practice to aid language learning.

Navigating Challenges

Integrating ChatGPT into Spring Boot applications presents challenges such as managing API rate limits, costs, and ensuring conversation context continuity. Ethical use and adherence to OpenAI’s guidelines are also paramount.


Merging OpenAI’s ChatGPT with Spring Boot unlocks unprecedented potential for developing interactive, intelligent applications. By leveraging the guidelines and insights from experts, along with the creative implementations suggested here, developers can explore new frontiers in AI integration. As AI technology evolves, the synergy between Spring Boot and ChatGPT is set to drive innovative breakthroughs in the software industry, marking a new era of application development.

Embracing Kotlin in Your Spring Boot Application: A Path to More Concise and Safe Code

In the evolving landscape of software development, Kotlin has emerged as a powerful and efficient language, especially when used in conjunction with Spring Boot. Kotlin, developed by JetBrains, offers a blend of simplicity, flexibility, and power, making it an attractive choice for building robust and scalable applications. When paired with Spring Boot, a convention-over-configuration centric framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications, Kotlin not only enhances productivity but also brings a host of benefits that can significantly improve the quality and maintainability of your codebase.

Why Kotlin with Spring Boot?

1. Conciseness and Clarity

Kotlin’s syntax is designed to be concise and expressive. It significantly reduces the boilerplate code, which is common in Java applications. This conciseness makes your Spring Boot application code more readable and maintainable. Features like data classes, extension functions, and null safety allow developers to write less code with fewer errors.

2. Null Safety

One of the most common pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java, is null pointer exceptions. Kotlin tackles this issue head-on with its built-in null safety feature. This aspect of Kotlin helps developers to avoid null pointer exceptions by incorporating inherent null checks into the language. When using Kotlin with Spring Boot, this feature can lead to more robust and reliable applications.

3. Full Java Interoperability

Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, meaning you can use Kotlin and Java side by side in the same project without any hiccups. This interoperability allows for a gradual migration from Java to Kotlin, making Kotlin a practical choice for existing Spring Boot applications looking to leverage Kotlin’s benefits without a complete rewrite.

4. Coroutines for Asynchronous Programming

Kotlin’s support for coroutines simplifies asynchronous programming by making asynchronous code sequential and more readable. In the context of Spring Boot, this means you can handle more concurrent operations with fewer threads, improving the scalability of your applications.

5. First-class Support from Spring Framework

The Spring Framework has embraced Kotlin, offering first-class support for Kotlin’s features. This support ensures that Kotlin developers can leverage Spring Boot’s capabilities fully, such as start-up time reduction, dependency injection, and auto-configuration, while writing idiomatic Kotlin code.

Minimal Spring Boot Version for Kotlin

To use Kotlin with Spring Boot effectively, it’s essential to choose the right versions of both the Spring Boot and Kotlin. As of my last update in April 2023, Spring Boot 2.2.x and above offers improved support for Kotlin, including support for Kotlin coroutines, null-safety, and more idiomatic Kotlin features. However, for the best experience, including the latest language features and improvements, it’s recommended to use Spring Boot 2.5.x or higher with Kotlin 1.4.x or above.

Tips for Integrating Kotlin into Your Spring Boot Application

  • Start Small: If you’re migrating an existing Java Spring Boot application to Kotlin, start by converting small, non-critical parts of your application to Kotlin to get a feel for the language and its integration with Spring Boot.
  • Leverage Kotlin Features: Make full use of Kotlin’s features like data classes, extension functions, and null safety to write more concise and expressive code.
  • Use Spring Initializr: When starting a new Spring Boot project with Kotlin, use Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io/) and select Kotlin as the language to get a project pre-configured for Kotlin.
  • Stay Updated: Both Kotlin and Spring Boot are actively developed and frequently updated. Keep your project dependencies up to date to benefit from the latest features and improvements.


Kotlin offers a modern, concise, and safe programming language for developing Spring Boot applications. Its seamless integration with Java, coupled with support for asynchronous programming and null safety, makes Kotlin an excellent choice for both new and existing Spring Boot projects. By choosing the right versions and leveraging Kotlin’s powerful features, developers can build more reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. Embrace Kotlin in your next Spring Boot project and experience the difference it makes in your development workflow and application quality.

Selecting the Ideal Relational Database for Your Spring Boot Application: A Comparative Analysis

When embarking on the development of a Spring Boot application, particularly one that involves storing and managing product data, the choice of the database is pivotal. Given Spring Boot’s versatility and its seamless integration with a variety of databases, opting for a relational database management system (RDBMS) can provide structured data storage, complex query capabilities, and transactional integrity. This blog post aims to compare several relational databases well-supported in Spring Boot, helping you make an informed decision for your project.

Criteria for Selection

Before diving into the comparison, it’s important to establish the criteria that typically influence the choice of a database for a Spring Boot application:

  • Performance: How quickly the database can read and write data, and its ability to handle concurrent requests.
  • Scalability: The database’s capacity to handle growing amounts of data and user load.
  • Reliability: Data integrity and the ability to recover from failures.
  • Ease of Use: The simplicity of setting up, managing, and integrating the database with Spring Boot.
  • Support and Community: Availability of resources, documentation, and community support for troubleshooting and best practices.

Popular Relational Databases in Spring Boot Ecosystem


Performance: Known for its robustness and performance, PostgreSQL excels in handling complex queries and large datasets, making it suitable for applications with diverse data types and structures.

Scalability: It offers strong scalability options, including read replicas and partitioning, though scaling writes requires more effort.

Reliability: Features like write-ahead logging and point-in-time recovery ensure data integrity and reliability.

Ease of Use: PostgreSQL is supported out-of-the-box by Spring Boot, facilitating easy integration. Its comprehensive documentation and active community further ease its adoption.

Support and Community: With a large and active community, PostgreSQL users can readily find support and resources.


Performance: MySQL is renowned for its fast read operations, making it a popular choice for read-heavy applications.

Scalability: It provides various scaling options, including sharding and replication, though it may lag behind PostgreSQL in handling complex transactions at scale.

Reliability: Features like ACID compliance and automatic crash recovery ensure reliable data handling.

Ease of Use: Spring Boot offers excellent support for MySQL, ensuring straightforward integration. However, its performance tuning and configuration can be complex for beginners.

Support and Community: MySQL benefits from widespread adoption, with extensive community support and a wealth of online resources.

Microsoft SQL Server

Performance: Offers high performance for both read and write operations, with advanced indexing and optimization features.

Scalability: Strong scalability, supported by features like table partitioning and in-memory OLTP.

Reliability: Ensures data integrity through ACID compliance and disaster recovery features.

Ease of Use: While Spring Boot supports SQL Server, setup and management may be more complex compared to open-source options. The integration process is straightforward, thanks to Spring Data’s abstraction layer.

Support and Community: As a proprietary solution, it offers professional support, complemented by a large community and extensive documentation.

H2 Database

Performance: Designed for development and testing, H2 offers fast in-memory database capabilities but may not be suitable for production-level performance requirements.

Scalability: More suitable for smaller applications, given its in-memory nature.

Reliability: Provides transactional support but lacks the robustness of enterprise databases in handling large-scale applications.

Ease of Use: Its in-memory nature makes it extremely easy to set up and integrate with Spring Boot, requiring minimal configuration for development purposes.

Support and Community: While H2 has a smaller community compared to PostgreSQL or MySQL, its simplicity and documentation cover most needs during development phases.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right database for your Spring Boot application depends on specific project requirements, including the expected scale, complexity of data, and operational needs. PostgreSQL stands out for its versatility and robust feature set, making it a solid choice for applications requiring complex data handling and scalability. MySQL offers reliability and speed, particularly for read-heavy scenarios, while SQL Server could be the go-to for those already invested in Microsoft ecosystems. For development and testing, H2 provides unmatched simplicity and speed.

Ultimately, the decision should align with your application’s long-term goals and operational capabilities, ensuring that the database not only meets current needs but is also capable of scaling with your application.

Testing Security in Spring Boot Applications: Ensuring Robustness

Welcome to the world of Spring Boot, where security is not just an add-on but a fundamental aspect of application design. As developers, we understand the importance of securing our applications, but how do we ensure that our security configurations stand up to the test? This is where the art of testing security in Spring Boot applications comes into play. Let’s walk through the process of testing Spring Security configurations, including authenticated routes and method-level security.

The Why and How of Testing Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and customizable authentication and access-control framework. It’s crucial to test your security configuration to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that legitimate users can access the resources they need. Testing helps to verify that your security rules are working as intended.

Setting Up for Security Testing

First, you’ll need to set up your test environment. Make sure you have the spring-security-test dependency in your project:


Testing Authenticated Routes

To test authenticated routes, you can use MockMvc with Spring Security Test support. This allows you to simulate requests with varying authentication scenarios.

Here’s an example of testing an authenticated route:

public class YourControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void whenAuthenticated_thenAccessSecuredRoute() throws Exception {

    public void whenUnauthenticated_thenAccessDenied() throws Exception {

In the above example, @WithMockUser sets up an authenticated user for testing. The first test checks access to a secured route with authentication, while the second test verifies that access is denied without authentication.

Testing Method-Level Security

Method-level security allows you to secure individual methods based on roles or permissions. To test this, you can use Spring’s @WithMockUser or @WithUserDetails annotations to simulate a user with specific roles.

Here’s how you can test method-level security:

public class MethodSecurityTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    @WithMockUser(roles = "USER")
    public void givenUserRole_whenAccessUserMethod_thenOk() throws Exception {

    @WithMockUser(roles = "USER")
    public void givenUserRole_whenAccessAdminMethod_thenDenied() throws Exception {

In this test, we simulate a user with the role USER and test access to methods secured for users and admins.

Best Practices for Testing Spring Security

  • Cover All Scenarios: Ensure you test all user roles and unauthorized scenarios to cover the spectrum of access control in your application.
  • Keep Tests Focused: Each test should focus on one aspect of security. Avoid combining multiple security tests into one.
  • Use Realistic Roles and Permissions: Test with roles and permissions that reflect real-world scenarios.
  • Consistent Security Configuration: Ensure that the security configuration used in tests reflects the actual security setup in production.


Testing security in Spring Boot applications is a crucial step in ensuring the integrity and reliability of your application. By methodically testing authenticated routes and method-level security, you can confidently deploy a secure application. Remember, in the realm of software development, security is not a feature; it’s a necessity. So, take the time to thoroughly test your Spring Security configurations and sleep soundly knowing your application is secured. Happy coding and secure testing!

Advanced Mocking Techniques with Spring Boot: Mastering @SpyBean and @MockBean

Welcome back, Spring Boot aficionados! Today, we’re embarking on an exciting journey through the realm of advanced mocking techniques. As you develop more complex applications, the scenarios you need to test can become increasingly intricate. This is where Spring Boot’s @SpyBean and @MockBean annotations become invaluable tools in your testing arsenal. Let’s delve into their capabilities and how they can be leveraged for mocking external service calls and handling context loads in more complex testing scenarios.

Understanding @MockBean and @SpyBean

In the world of Spring Boot testing, @MockBean and @SpyBean are two powerful annotations used for injecting mock and spy beans into the Spring application context.

  • @MockBean: This annotation is used to add mock objects to the Spring context. These mocks replace any existing bean of the same type in the application context. It’s perfect for when you want to completely mock the behavior of a component in your tests.
  • @SpyBean: Conversely, @SpyBean is used when you want to spy on a real bean. This means the bean will behave normally unless explicitly stubbed. It’s ideal for situations where you want to use the real functionality of a bean but override specific methods for testing purposes.

Mocking External Service Calls

Imagine you have a service that makes calls to an external weather API. Testing this service can be challenging, especially if you want to avoid hitting the real API during tests.

public class WeatherService {
    public String getWeatherForecast() {
        // Calls external weather API

// In your test class
public void testWeatherServiceWithMock() {
    private WeatherService weatherService;


    // Your test code here

By using @MockBean, you can mock the WeatherService and define its behavior, ensuring your tests are not reliant on the external API’s availability or behavior.

Handling Context Loads with @SpyBean

Now, let’s say you have a complex service with multiple methods, and you only want to mock a part of its functionality:

public class PaymentService {
    public boolean validatePayment() {
        // Actual validation logic

    public Receipt generateReceipt() {
        // Receipt generation logic

// In your test class
public void testPaymentServiceWithSpy() {
    private PaymentService paymentService;


    // Your test code here

Here, @SpyBean allows you to use the real PaymentService bean but override the validatePayment() method. This approach is incredibly useful when dealing with beans where only certain behaviors need to be mocked.

Best Practices for Advanced Mocking

  • Use Wisely: While @MockBean and @SpyBean are powerful, they should be used judiciously. Overuse can lead to a disconnect between your test context and the actual runtime environment.
  • Focus on Integration Points: These annotations are particularly useful for mocking or spying on beans at the integration points of your application, such as external API calls or database interactions.
  • Keep Tests Clean: Ensure that each test method is testing only one aspect of the behavior. Over-stubbing can lead to tests that are hard to read and maintain.
  • Reset State When Needed: Be aware of the state. Since these beans are part of the Spring context, their state might persist between tests. Resetting or re-stubbing the beans in each test method can help maintain test isolation.


In the world of Spring Boot, mastering mocking techniques is crucial for developing well-tested, robust applications. @MockBean and @SpyBean provide the flexibility and power needed to handle complex testing scenarios efficiently. By using these annotations, you can simulate external dependencies, focus on the component under test, and ensure that your tests are reliable and representative of your production environment. Remember, effective mocking is key to achieving a high-quality, resilient application. Happy testing!

Data Layer Testing in Spring Boot: Mastering @DataJpaTest

Hello, Spring Boot enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the heart of data layer testing in Spring Boot applications. As we know, the data layer is a critical component, often interacting with the database to manage the application’s state. Ensuring its reliability and efficiency is paramount. This is where @DataJpaTest comes into play, providing a streamlined approach to testing your JPA repositories. Let’s unravel the capabilities of this annotation with practical examples and tips.

What is @DataJpaTest?

@DataJpaTest is a specialized annotation provided by Spring Boot for testing the JPA components, particularly focusing on the repository layer. It configures an in-memory database, scans for @Entity classes, and configures Spring Data JPA repositories. The beauty of @DataJpaTest lies in its ability to isolate the testing of JPA components, making tests faster and more reliable.

Setting Up the Scene

Imagine we have a repository, BookRepository, that we want to test. It might look something like this:

public interface BookRepository extends JpaRepository<Book, Long> {
    List<Book> findByAuthor(String author);

To test this repository, you’d set up a test with @DataJpaTest:

public class BookRepositoryTests {

    private TestEntityManager entityManager;

    private BookRepository bookRepository;

    // Test cases to follow

Here, TestEntityManager is used for persisting entities for test purposes, and BookRepository is the subject under test.

Testing Query Methods

Let’s test our findByAuthor method:

public void whenFindByAuthor_thenReturnBooks() {
    // given
    Book book = new Book("The Hobbit", "J.R.R. Tolkien");

    // when
    List<Book> foundBooks = bookRepository.findByAuthor(book.getAuthor());

    // then

This test persists a book and then retrieves it using the findByAuthor method, asserting that the retrieved book matches what was persisted.

Testing Custom Repository Implementations

Suppose you have a custom implementation for a repository method. Testing this method is similar:

public interface CustomBookRepository {
    Long customMethod();

public class CustomBookRepositoryImpl implements CustomBookRepository {
    public Long customMethod() {
        // Implementation details

// In your test class
public void testCustomMethod() {
    // Use entityManager to set up data
    // Call your custom method
    // Assert the results

Transactional Behavior

One key aspect of @DataJpaTest is that it runs tests within a transaction, which is rolled back at the end of each test. This ensures that tests are independent and do not interfere with each other.

public void testTransactionalBehavior() {
    // given
    Book book1 = new Book("1984", "George Orwell");

    // when

    // then

In this example, the deleteAll operation will be rolled back after the test, leaving the database in its original state.


Testing the data layer of a Spring Boot application is essential for ensuring the integrity and performance of your application. The @DataJpaTest annotation simplifies this process by focusing solely on the JPA components and providing an isolated, transactional environment for each test. By incorporating @DataJpaTest into your testing strategy, you guarantee that your repository layer is not just functioning as expected, but also resilient and reliable. Remember, a well-tested data layer is a cornerstone of any robust Spring Boot application. So, embrace @DataJpaTest and ensure your data layer is as solid as a rock!

Setting Up a Multi-Module Spring Boot Java Project in Visual Studio Code

When working on larger projects, it’s common to divide your application into multiple modules for better maintainability and organization. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up a multi-module Spring Boot Java project in Visual Studio Code, with emphasis on configuring launch.json to handle multiple modules.

Step 1: Install VSCode and Java Extensions

If not already installed, download and install Visual Studio Code. Then, install the following extensions for Java development:

  1. Java Extension Pack
  2. Spring Boot Extension Pack

You can find these extensions in the Extensions view (Ctrl + Shift + X) in VSCode.

Step 2: Create or Open a Multi-Module Spring Boot Project

If you have an existing multi-module Spring Boot project, open the root folder in VSCode. If you’re starting from scratch, you can use Spring Initializer to create a new project with the desired modules.

Step 3: Build Your Project

Before proceeding, make sure that your project is successfully built. Run the following command from the root of your project:

mvn clean install

This command will compile your project and create the necessary /target directories.

Step 4: Configure launch.json

launch.json is the configuration file that tells VSCode how to launch your application. Create a .vscode folder in your project root, if not already present, and create a launch.json file with the following content:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "java",
      "name": "Launch MySpringBootApplication",
      "request": "launch",
      "mainClass": "com.example.MySpringBootApplication",
      "projectName": "my-spring-boot-project",
      "args": "",
      "classPaths": [
        // Add paths to other modules as necessary

Replace com.example.MySpringBootApplication with the fully qualified name of your main application class, and my-spring-boot-project with the name of your project. For the classPaths field, list the paths to the /target/classes directories for each module.

To find the correct paths for classPaths, you can use the following Maven command:

mvn dependency:build-classpath

Step 5: Run Your Project

With launch.json configured, you can now run your Spring Boot project by pressing F5 or clicking the green play button in the debug view.


Setting up a multi-module Spring Boot project in Visual Studio Code requires a few extra steps, but with the right configuration, you can have a seamless development experience. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to successfully running and debugging your multi-module Spring Boot project in VSCode.

Setting Up a Spring Boot Java Project in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a lightweight and efficient code editor that has become increasingly popular among developers. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a Spring Boot Java project in VSCode, including configuring launch.json and recommended extensions.

Step 1: Install VSCode

If you haven’t already, download and install VSCode from here.

Step 2: Install Java Extensions

You will need the following extensions for Java development in VSCode:

  1. Java Extension Pack: A collection of extensions for Java development.
  2. Spring Boot Extension Pack: A set of extensions tailored specifically for Spring Boot development.

Search for these extensions in the Extensions view (Ctrl + Shift + X) and install them.

Step 3: Create a New Spring Boot Project

You can create a new Spring Boot project using the Spring Initializer or by running the following command in your terminal:

spring init --dependencies=web my-spring-boot-project

Open the project folder in VSCode.

Step 4: Configure launch.json

launch.json is a configuration file used by VSCode to launch your application. Create a .vscode folder in your project root and add a launch.json file with the following content:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "java",
      "name": "Launch MySpringBootApplication",
      "request": "launch",
      "mainClass": "com.example.MySpringBootApplication",
      "projectName": "my-spring-boot-project",
      "args": ""

Replace com.example.MySpringBootApplication with the fully qualified name of your main application class.

Step 5: Run Your Project

With the launch.json file configured, you can now run your Spring Boot project by pressing F5 or by clicking on the green play button in the debug view.

Step 6: Explore Additional Extensions

Here are some additional extensions that may be helpful for Spring Boot development in VSCode:

  1. Lombok Annotations Support for VSCode: If your project uses Lombok, this extension provides support for Lombok annotations.
  2. Spring Boot Dashboard: This extension provides a dashboard for managing your Spring Boot applications.


Setting up a Spring Boot project in VSCode is a straightforward process, and with the right extensions, you can have a development environment that’s tailored to your needs. Give it a try and enjoy the lightweight, efficient, and versatile experience that VSCode has to offer!

The Case for Visual Studio Code in Spring Boot Java Development

While IntelliJ IDEA has long been the standard bearer for Java development, especially with the Spring Boot framework, Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is making a strong case for itself, appealing to a broad swath of developers. This article explores the advantages and potential of VSCode for Java development, specifically for Spring Boot projects.

IntelliJ’s Stronghold on Java Development

IntelliJ IDEA has built a strong following among Java developers due to:

  1. Robust Feature Set: IntelliJ IDEA is known for its comprehensive features tailored specifically to Java development.
  2. Spring Boot Support: The IDE offers excellent support for Spring Boot, making it a favorite among developers using this framework.
  3. Reliability for Large Projects: As a dedicated Java IDE, IntelliJ is well-equipped to handle large and complex projects with ease.

The Growing Popularity of Visual Studio Code

VSCode, on the other hand, has been steadily gaining popularity among developers, and here’s why:

  1. Lightweight and Fast: VSCode is renowned for its lightweight nature and speedy performance, ensuring a smooth development experience.
  2. Extensive Range of Extensions: The availability of numerous plugins and extensions means developers can tailor VSCode to meet their specific requirements.
  3. Support for Multiple Languages: Unlike IntelliJ, which primarily caters to Java, VSCode is language-agnostic, providing support for a range of programming languages, including JavaScript where it has made significant inroads.

Personal Experience

In my own development work, I’ve found that using VSCode provides a faster and more efficient experience, particularly on corporate Windows laptops which can be notoriously slow. The lightweight nature of VSCode makes it an ideal choice for developers who find themselves constrained by the limitations of their hardware.

On the flip side, if you’re using a high-performance machine, such as a MacBook, this performance difference may be less noticeable. The powerful hardware of these machines is well-equipped to handle the robust features and larger footprint of IntelliJ.

The Debate

The question then arises, can VSCode challenge IntelliJ’s dominance in the Java development space? While IntelliJ’s prominence is partly due to brand loyalty, with many developers sticking to what they know best, it’s worth noting that its popularity is well-earned, thanks to its comprehensive features and reliable performance.

JetBrains, the creator of IntelliJ, has taken notice of VSCode’s increasing market share, particularly in the JavaScript ecosystem, and is actively working to maintain its edge.

The Future Landscape

The pivotal question, however, is not necessarily about features or plugins, but rather about the future of software development tools as a whole. Will we see a shift towards a single, all-encompassing, language-agnostic IDE, or will the market continue to favor specialized, best-of-breed IDEs for different programming languages?

Ultimately, the choice between VSCode and IntelliJ for Spring Boot Java development comes down to personal preference and specific project requirements. While IntelliJ continues to be a powerful and popular choice, VSCode’s lightweight nature, extensibility, and versatility make it an attractive option for a growing number of developers.

What’s your take on this? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Spring Boot and Messaging Systems: Integrating with RabbitMQ and Kafka

In today’s world, real-time data processing and asynchronous communication are paramount for scalable applications. One way to achieve this is through messaging systems. Two popular messaging systems are RabbitMQ and Kafka. In this post, we’ll explore how to integrate these systems into your Spring Boot applications.

Messaging Systems Overview
Before we dive in, it’s essential to understand the role of messaging systems:

  1. Decoupling: They decouple producers (data senders) from consumers (data receivers).
  2. Scalability: Handle large volumes of data with distributed architectures.
  3. Resilience: Ensure data delivery even in case of system failures.

RabbitMQ with Spring Boot
RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker that supports multiple messaging protocols. Here’s how to integrate it with Spring Boot:

1. Dependencies: Add Spring Boot’s AMQP starter to your pom.xml:


2. Configuration: In application.properties:


3. Producing a Message:

private AmqpTemplate rabbitTemplate;

public void sendMessage(String message) {
    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("Your_Exchange_Name", "Your_Routing_Key", message);

4. Consuming a Message:

@RabbitListener(queues = "Your_Queue_Name")
public void receiveMessage(String message) {
    System.out.println("Received Message: " + message);

Kafka with Spring Boot
Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform that can handle trillions of events daily.

1. Dependencies: Add Spring Boot’s Kafka starter to your pom.xml:


2. Configuration: In application.properties:


3. Producing a Message:

private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

public void sendMessage(String topic, String message) {
    kafkaTemplate.send(topic, message);

4. Consuming a Message:

@KafkaListener(topics = "Your_Topic_Name", groupId = "Your_Group_Id")
public void listen(String message) {
    System.out.println("Received Message: " + message);

When to Use RabbitMQ vs. Kafka:

  • RabbitMQ: Best for applications that require complex routing, need a lightweight broker, and for systems where end-to-end latency is not a critical parameter.
  • Kafka: Suited for high throughput needs, event sourcing, stream processing, and scenarios where low-latency delivery isn’t a necessity.

Both RabbitMQ and Kafka offer reliable messaging solutions that integrate seamlessly with Spring Boot. Choosing between them depends on your specific use case, but with Spring Boot’s abstractions, transitioning between the two or integrating both becomes less daunting. As always, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and ensure you’re leveraging them to their fullest potential in your applications.

Spring Boot and Docker: Containerising Your Application

Spring Boot is known for its ability to build stand-alone applications that can be run anywhere. But how can we leverage this capability even more? Enter Docker. By combining Spring Boot with Docker, you can create a powerful synergy that aids in deploying, scaling, and managing applications. This tutorial will guide you through containerising a Spring Boot application using Docker.

Why Docker?
Before we delve into the tutorial, let’s understand why Docker is beneficial:

  1. Portability: Docker ensures that your application runs the same, irrespective of where the container is run.
  2. Scalability: Easily scale your application by spinning up multiple container instances.
  3. Isolation: Docker containers encapsulate the application, its dependencies, and configurations, ensuring a consistent environment.
  4. Efficiency: Docker containers are lightweight compared to traditional VMs, using less memory and starting up faster.

Tutorial: Containerizing a Spring Boot Application

1. Pre-requisites
Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java
  • Spring Boot CLI (or use Spring Initializr)
  • Maven/Gradle (whichever you prefer)
  • Docker

2. Create a Simple Spring Boot Application
For demonstration purposes, create a basic Spring Boot application:


$ spring init --dependencies=web my-docker-app

3. Build the Spring Boot Application
Navigate to your project directory and build the application using Maven:

bashCopy code

$ mvn clean install

4. Dockerfile Creation
Inside the project root, create a file named Dockerfile. This file will contain the instructions to build the Docker image:


FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim VOLUME /tmp ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

5. Building the Docker Image
Navigate to the project directory where your Dockerfile resides and execute:


$ docker build -t my-docker-spring-app .

6. Running the Application Inside a Docker Container
Once the image is built, run the application using:


$ docker run -p 8080:8080 my-docker-spring-app

Advantages & Potential Pitfalls


  1. Consistency: Your application will run the same way, regardless of where Docker runs.
  2. Simplified Configuration: Docker combines the application and its environment, making configurations less challenging.
  3. Integration & CI/CD: Easily integrate with Jenkins, GitLab CI, and other CI/CD tools for streamlined deployments.

Potential Pitfalls:

  1. Overhead: Though lightweight, containers still introduce an overhead.
  2. Complexity: While Docker simplifies deployment, it might introduce complexity in local development, especially for beginners.
  3. Data Persistence: Data inside a container is ephemeral. Care must be taken to manage data storage and persistence.

Combining Spring Boot with Docker can be a game-changer for many developers. It streamlines deployment processes and ensures consistency across different environments. However, like all technologies, understanding its strengths and weaknesses is vital for effective utilisation. As you continue your development journey, always keep an eye out for best practices and community guidelines to get the most out of these tools.

Navigating Java Version Upgrades for Your Spring Boot Application

Java, the long-standing, versatile player in the world of programming languages, periodically releases new versions that bring about fresh features, enhanced performance, and better security. As a result, it’s crucial to keep your Spring Boot application updated with the latest Java version. However, moving to a newer Java version isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. It requires careful consideration and meticulous planning to avoid compatibility issues and other unforeseen complications. Let’s delve into the key aspects you should keep in mind while upgrading the Java version for your Spring Boot application.

Assess the Application’s Compatibility

Firstly, thoroughly examine your application’s compatibility with the new Java version. This involves reviewing the current libraries, frameworks, and dependencies to ensure they support the target Java version. Always refer to the official documentation for this information. Spring Boot, in particular, is regularly updated to support new Java releases, so verify that your Spring Boot version aligns with the Java version you’re targeting.

<parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.5.4</version> <!--ensure this supports your target Java version--> </parent>

Verify Your Build Tools and CI/CD Pipelines

Confirm that your build tools (like Maven or Gradle) and CI/CD pipelines also support the new Java version. Often, these tools need updates to run with newer Java versions.

<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.0</version> <configuration> <source>11</source> <!--target Java version--> <target>11</target> <!--target Java version--> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>

Test with -Werror and -Xlint:deprecation

Use the -Werror flag, which treats warnings as errors, and -Xlint:deprecation, which provides details about the use of deprecated APIs. These flags can help you identify any deprecated or removed APIs that your application uses.

Utilize JDeprScan Tool

Java 9 introduced a tool called jdeprscan, which scans an application’s bytecode for uses of deprecated APIs. Running this tool before upgrading can help identify potential issues.

Perform Comprehensive Testing

Once you’ve updated to the new Java version and addressed any warnings or deprecations, it’s time to thoroughly test your application. This includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure your application works as expected with the new Java version.

Leverage Docker for Testing

If possible, use Docker for testing the new Java version. With Docker, you can create a separate container with the new Java version, leaving your existing setup undisturbed.

FROM openjdk:11-jdk COPY ./target/my-application.jar /usr/app/ WORKDIR /usr/app RUN sh -c 'touch my-application.jar' ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","my-application.jar"]

Plan a Gradual Rollout

Consider rolling out the updated application gradually to monitor its performance and catch any unforeseen issues. Techniques like Canary deployments or Blue/Green deployments can be helpful here.


Upgrading the Java version for your Spring Boot application is a significant task that can introduce new opportunities as well as potential risks. Prioritise thorough preparation, use the right tools, and adhere to best practices to ensure a smooth transition. While the upgrade process may seem daunting, the benefits of using the latest Java version – such as improved performance, enhanced security, and access to new features – make the effort worthwhile.

Maven, The Heartbeat of Java Projects

Maven, a cornerstone in the world of Java development, brings a lot to the table when it comes to automating our software builds. Let’s enhance our understanding by exploring effective practices, along with hands-on examples to better comprehend these principles.

1. Keep Your POM Clean and Lean

The Project Object Model (POM) file, a central artifact in Maven, can become a mess if not properly managed. It’s where you declare your project dependencies, plugins, and more. An untidy POM could lead to confusion and potential errors. Let’s look at an example:

    <!-- other necessary dependencies -->

In this snippet, we’ve included only what we need – JUnit for testing. The idea is to remove any unused or unnecessary dependencies, leading to a POM file that’s easier to maintain and debug.

2. Use Version Ranges Sparingly

Using version ranges in Maven can introduce unpredictability. Here’s what it looks like:


While this is convenient, the version of Guava being used can vary each time Maven resolves dependencies, leading to potential inconsistencies. It’s more stable to stick with specific versions.

3. Understand Maven’s Dependency Mechanism

Maven’s dependency management can be a source of confusion. Let’s look at an example:


Here, we’re using the provided scope, which indicates that the dependency will be provided by the runtime environment. This understanding of scopes can help us avoid including unnecessary libraries in our build.

4. Use Properties and Dependency Management

Properties and dependencyManagement can help manage versions across dependencies. Here’s an example:


        <!-- other Spring dependencies -->

In this snippet, we’re using a property to specify the Spring version, ensuring consistency across all Spring dependencies.

5. Don’t Forget the Tests

Maven plugins like Surefire and Failsafe provide excellent testing support. For example:


This configuration ensures our unit tests are run when we build our project, making tests an integral part of the build process.

Closing Thoughts

Maven, like any tool, is as effective as its user. By adopting best practices and learning how Maven works under the hood, we can make the most of this fantastic tool. Remember, the key to effective use of Maven is understanding—understanding your project’s structure, understanding your POM, and understanding Maven’s conventions. Happy building, folks!

Unleashing Project Modularity: Creating Maven Multi-module Projects

As your project grows in size and complexity, maintaining a well-organised codebase becomes crucial. Maven comes to the rescue with its support for multi-module projects. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of Maven’s multi-module projects and learn how to create them. Buckle up as we embark on a journey of enhanced project modularity and streamlined development!

As your project grows in size and complexity, maintaining a well-organized codebase becomes crucial. Maven comes to the rescue with its support for multi-module projects. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of Maven’s multi-module projects and learn how to create them. Buckle up as we embark on a journey of enhanced project modularity and streamlined development!

Understanding Maven Multi-module Projects:

A Maven multi-module project is a project structure that consists of multiple sub-modules, each representing a separate component or module of the larger project. Each module can be built independently, but they can also be built together as a cohesive unit. This approach promotes code reuse, modularity, and simplifies dependency management across modules.

Creating a Multi-module Project:

To create a Maven multi-module project, follow these steps:

1 – Set Up the Parent Project: Start by creating a new directory for your project and navigate to that directory in your terminal or command prompt. Then, use the following command to generate the parent project:bashCopy

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-project -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

This command creates a new Maven project with the specified groupId and artifactId.

2 – Create Sub-modules: Inside the parent project directory, create sub-module directories for each component of your project. You can use the following command to create a new sub-module:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-submodule -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

Repeat this step for each sub-module you want to create.

3 – Configure Parent Project POM: In the parent project’s pom.xml, add <modules> section to specify the list of sub-modules:

  <!-- Add more sub-modules as needed -->

4 – Define Dependency Relationships: Specify the dependencies between the sub-modules in their respective pom.xml files. This ensures that the correct versions and inter-module dependencies are resolved during the build.

5 – Build and Test: Navigate to the parent project directory and run the following command to build all the sub-modules:

mvn install

Maven will build the modules in the correct order, taking care of their inter-dependencies.

Utilising the Power of Multi-module Projects:

By creating Maven multi-module projects, you gain several advantages:

  • Improved Modularity: Each module focuses on a specific aspect of your project, promoting a modular codebase and easier maintenance.
  • Code Reusability: Shared code and resources can be placed in a separate module and easily utilised by other modules.
  • Simplified Dependency Management: Maven automatically resolves dependencies between modules, ensuring consistent and efficient dependency management.
  • Streamlined Development Workflow: Building the entire project or individual modules becomes seamless, enabling faster development iterations.
  • Enhanced Scalability: As your project evolves, you can add or remove modules, adapting to changing requirements without disrupting the entire codebase.


Congratulations! You’ve embarked on the path of enhanced project modularity by creating Maven multi-module projects. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you’ve unlocked the power of code reusability, simplified dependency management, and a streamlined development workflow.

Empowering Your Maven Builds: Unleashing Customisation with Plugins and Profiles

Introduction: Maven, the popular build automation tool, offers a world of customisation possibilities to suit your project’s unique needs. By leveraging plugins and profiles, you can shape the build process according to your requirements. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to customise Maven builds using plugins and profiles, unlocking a realm of limitless possibilities.

Understanding Plugins

Plugins are the powerhouse behind Maven’s extensibility. They provide additional functionality and tasks to enhance your build process. Maven offers a vast array of built-in plugins, and you can even develop your custom plugins. Plugins can perform a wide range of tasks, such as compiling code, executing tests, generating reports, and deploying artifacts.

Harnessing Plugin Power

To use a plugin, you need to configure it in your project’s pom.xml file. Maven will automatically bind the plugin to appropriate build phases, but you can also explicitly invoke plugin goals. For example, to compile your code using the maven-compiler-plugin, add the following configuration to your pom.xml:


This configuration sets the Java source and target compatibility to version 1.8. Explore Maven’s extensive plugin ecosystem to find plugins that align with your project’s needs, and configure them to supercharge your builds.

Mastering Profiles

Profiles allow you to define custom build configurations that can be activated based on specific conditions. With profiles, you can tailor your builds for different environments, target specific platforms, or enable/disable certain features. Profiles are declared in the pom.xml file, and you can activate them using various methods, such as command-line parameters or environment variables.

Here’s an example of a profile that enables additional logging for a development environment:


In this example, the profile is activated by default when no other profile is specified. It configures the maven-surefire-plugin to set the logging level to debug. Explore the rich possibilities of profiles to create customized builds that adapt to various scenarios.

Advanced Customisation

Maven’s flexibility allows for advanced customization through combining plugins and profiles. You can create complex build configurations, execute plugins conditionally, and orchestrate intricate build sequences. Let your imagination run wild as you leverage Maven’s plugin and profile capabilities to unlock the full potential of your builds.


Customizing Maven builds using plugins and profiles empowers you to shape your build process according to your project’s unique requirements. By tapping into Maven’s extensive plugin ecosystem and leveraging profiles, you can create tailored builds that excel in functionality, flexibility, and performance.

Experiment with different plugins, explore the vast world of Maven profiles, and craft builds that are as unique as your projects. Maven’s ability to customize builds is your key to unlocking the full potential of your development journey.

Mastering Dependency Management with Maven

As developers, we rely on various libraries and frameworks to build powerful applications. However, managing dependencies can quickly become a daunting task. Fear not, for Maven is here to save the day! In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of effective dependency management with Maven, uncovering best practices, techniques, and commands to simplify your development journey.

Why Dependency Management Matters

Effective dependency management is crucial for smooth and efficient software development. It allows you to seamlessly integrate external libraries, manage version conflicts, and ensure your project is built on a solid foundation. Maven, with its comprehensive dependency management capabilities, offers a robust solution to handle this complexity.

Declaring Dependencies

In Maven, dependencies are declared in the project’s pom.xml file. We can use the following command to add a dependency:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

We’ll explore best practices for declaring dependencies to ensure clarity, maintainability, and ease of updates. Techniques like using the appropriate dependency scope, specifying version ranges, and managing transitive dependencies will be covered.

Dependency Exclusion

Sometimes, conflicts can arise due to overlapping dependencies. Maven provides the ability to exclude specific dependencies or versions that clash with your project’s requirements. We can exclude a dependency using the following command:

mvn dependency:tree -Dexcludes=groupId:artifactId

We’ll delve into the art of dependency exclusion, allowing you to take control and ensure a harmonious dependency landscape.

Dependency Hierarchy and Tree

Understanding the dependency hierarchy is essential to grasp the complete picture of your project’s dependencies. Maven provides tools like the dependency hierarchy and dependency tree. We can visualise the dependency tree using the following command:

mvn dependency:tree

We’ll explore how to leverage these tools to gain insights and troubleshoot dependency-related issues effectively.

Dependency Updates and Security

Keeping your dependencies up to date is critical for accessing new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Maven provides mechanisms to check for updates automatically and even detect security vulnerabilities. We can use the following command to check for dependency updates:

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

We’ll discover how to utilise these features to ensure your project stays current and secure.

Central Repository and Beyond

Maven’s default Central Repository is a treasure trove of open-source libraries. However, sometimes you may need to use additional repositories to access specific dependencies. To configure additional repositories, you can add repository entries in the pom.xml file. Here’s an example:


Beyond additional repositories, organisations often set up their own artifact repositories like Nexus or Artifactory. These repositories act as central hubs for hosting and managing internal libraries and dependencies. By configuring these repositories in your Maven settings, you can easily access and share custom dependencies within your organisation.

Utilising additional repositories empowers you to tap into a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, expanding the capabilities of your projects and driving innovation forward.

Build Reproducibility:

Ensuring build reproducibility is vital for consistent and reliable software development. When multiple developers or environments are involved, it’s essential to have consistent build results. Maven provides techniques to achieve build reproducibility, such as locking down dependency versions using the Maven dependency-lock plugin.

The dependency-lock plugin generates a lock file that captures the exact versions of all project dependencies. This ensures that subsequent builds use the same versions, eliminating the risk of unexpected changes. To generate a dependency lock file, you can run the following command:

mvn dependency:resolve-plugins@lock

Once generated, the lock file (dependency-lock.properties) should be committed to your version control system. It will serve as a reference for future builds, ensuring that the same dependency versions are consistently used across different environments and by different team members.

In addition to the dependency-lock plugin, another approach to achieving build reproducibility is by using Maven Wrapper. Maven Wrapper ensures that the correct version of Maven is used for building your project, regardless of the system configuration. By including the Maven Wrapper files (mvnw or mvnw.cmd and .mvn/wrapper) in your project repository, every build will use the specified Maven version, making it easier to reproduce builds across different environments.

By employing these techniques, you can achieve consistent and reproducible builds, reducing the chances of unexpected issues and ensuring a stable and reliable development process.

Continuous Integration and Dependency Management:

Integrating dependency management into your CI/CD pipelines is essential for streamlining the build and release process. By automating dependency checks, artifact publishing, and repository management, you can ensure a smooth and reliable workflow. Let’s explore an example of incorporating dependency management into a continuous integration process using Jenkins and Maven plugins.

  1. Configure Jenkins: Set up a Jenkins job for your project. Within the job configuration, specify the necessary details such as repository URLs, build triggers, and post-build actions.
  2. Install Maven Plugin: Install the Maven plugin in Jenkins to enable Maven build capabilities. This allows Jenkins to execute Maven commands as part of the build process.
  3. Add Dependency Check: Incorporate a dependency check into the build process to ensure the security and quality of your project. One popular tool is the OWASP Dependency-Check plugin. Include it in your pom.xml file as follows:

4. Publish Artifacts: Configure Jenkins to publish the built artifacts (e.g., JAR, WAR) to an artifact repository like Nexus or Artifactory. This ensures that the artifacts are available for other projects and teams to consume.

5. Manage Repository Credentials: Securely manage the credentials required to access the artifact repository within Jenkins. This allows the build process to authenticate and publish artifacts seamlessly.

6. Execute the CI/CD Pipeline: Trigger the Jenkins job for the project whenever changes are committed to the repository. Jenkins will automatically execute the build process, including dependency checks, artifact publishing, and repository management.

By integrating dependency management into your CI/CD pipelines, you ensure that your project’s dependencies are up to date, secure, and efficiently managed. This helps maintain a streamlined and reliable build and release process.

Final Note

Congratulations! You’re on your way to mastering dependency management with Maven. By following best practices, utilising Maven’s powerful features, and employing the right commands, you’ll navigate the complex landscape of dependencies with ease!

Spring Boot – Code Layout & Structure

Spring Boot and it layout and code structure is something that is not predefined, it is up to the developer to follow the best practices to find the best practices available to them.

You may ask what are these best practices?

What typically occurs is that the project gets divided into layers, for example:

  • Web Layer
    • Controllers
    • Exception handlers
    • Filters
    • View templates
    • Requests and response objects
    • Etc
  • Service Layer
    • Takes data transfer objects (DTOs) as method parameters
      • And basic types
  • Repository Layer
    • Take entities as method parameters
      • And basic types

You can also divide a project into modules…

  • The first module is the data layer
  • The second module is the web layer
  • You can also divide the project into features!

Avoid default package

The default package does not include package declaration, it is not best practice to include a class in the default package.

Why you may ask?

It is because Spring boot scans the classes in the packages and sub-packages in annotations such as:


And etc.

How about the Main Application Class, where does that go?

It is recommend to allocate the main application class in the root package, this usually has annotations like:


It enables Spring to scan all classes in the root package and sub-packages. For example, if you are creating a JPA application, the MainApplication.java can be placed in the root package for example:


And all Web related classes in the sub-packages (ui) for example:


Service related sub-packages:


Repository layer related packages:


Popular layout structures

There are generally two approach developers gravitate towards on the structure they use for spring, this usually between:

  • Structure by Feature
  • Or.. structure by Layer

You may ask which one is best but this is preferential, below I will outline the benefits between each approach.

Structure by Feature

In this format all the classes are grouped into features, example:

 +- appsdeveloperblog
     +- app
         +- MainApplication.java
         +- Student
         |   +- Student.java
         |   +- StudentController.java
         |   +- StudentService.java
         |   +- StudentRepository.java
         +- order
             +- TimeTable.java
             +- TimeTableController.java
             +- TimeTableService.java
             +- TimeTableRepository.java

Benefits of structure by feature

  • ⭐️ Easy searching of classes by feature
  • ⭐️ Easy deletions of features
  • ⭐️ Testing and refactoring is simplified
  • ⭐️ Features can be shipped separately

Structure by Layer

In this approach, all the classes are separated as general layers, i.e. controllers, services, model, dtos, etc…

 +- appsdeveloperblog
     +- app
         +- MainApplication.java
         +- domain
         |   +- Student.java
         |   +- TimeTable.java
         +- controllers
         |     +- StudentController.java
         |     +- TimeTableController.java
         +- services
         |    +- StudentService.java
         |    +- TimeTableService.java
         +- repositories
              +- StudentRepository.java
              +- TimeTableRepository.java   

Although the structure by layer appears easy to locate classes, it does have disadvantages compared to structure by feature.👎

  • ❌ Features and modules cannot be shipped separately
  • ❌ Searching for classes that have a certain feature is harder
  • ❌ Refactoring on a certain feature is difficult, as the feature is located on every layer!
  • ❌ Can cause merge conflicts

Final note

To note, either approach can be feasible, you may find the structure by layer a good approach even with the highlighted down sides. For instance, if the spring boot application itself is dedicated to one specific feature, and you plan to separate these out into separate spring boot applications, this would negate the downsides, which in turn also has the added benefit of deploying individual micro-services per spring boot project.